What makes the Neu Pilates Method Different?
Sep 05, 2024
Neu Pilates Creator and Teacher Trainer Lara explains what makes the Neu Pilates Method Different.
Here is the transcript from the viedo below:
Lara: "Why Physio and Pilates and what is the difference between Neu Pilates is the biggest question we are getting from potential students. For twenty years I've been teaching pilates, and I had been teaching pilates for seven years when I kinda started getting really challenged. I started getting different clients coming in and they had different injuries and different pain points. I was finding that their injuries and their pain were limiting their results. What we started to see was that when you integrated physio treatments and pilates together, we could get that alignment in the body to much faster and then the results started getting so much quicker. That got really exciting for all of us. Neu Pilates is the collaboration of physio and Pilates and 10 years of integrating 1000's of people. We took all those physiotherapy cues and techniques and hands on tactile cues, taking those systems and all those things that started working and found ways to work them into our pilates teaching repertoire. That literally changed the game for us.
Anybody can take this course, and anyone can have success with this teaching method. We are super excited to share this with you!"
The feedback we have received since launching our Neu Pilates program from over 600 students and counting is that our course is phenomenal. There is so much value in the training we provide, because it is holistic, safe, and results focused. Many students join our training after receiving pilates certification from other trainings, and find that Neu Pilates is an incredible compliment and added value to their existing knowledge. Like Lara, seven years into teaching pilates found, there is a limit to many of the other pilates teacher training certifications currently available when it comes to working with, understanding and rehabilitating injuries. Our training has tackled this issue head on and created a cueing system and knowledge platform that sets teachers up for success!
One questions that has come up about our training is; what if my goal is just to teach group fitness Pilates classes? Is this they right method to certify in? The answer is yes. Sometimes pilates instructor can thrive when they don't know what they don't know for a period of time. So if you don't have a solid understanding of injuries and injury prevention when teaching pilates this can work with certain demographics and populations. Just like teaching pilates and building the musculature of the body, starting with the strongest foundation gets the best long term results.
We are certain that the strong foundational understanding of the body that Neu Pilates provides our students is the best teacher training for long term success and results.
Start your journey to becoming a Pilates teacher today.
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