Pilates Studio Feature - Pilates With Hayley, Salmon Arm, BC
Mar 25, 2024
Introducing our first Pilates Studio feature, Pilates with Hayley!
Located in the small town of Salmon Arm BC, this beautiful pilates studio offers a high quality and intimate pilates experience led by its owner, Hayley Harkness! If you have taken one of our pilates modules and written an exam, you will likely have interacted with Hayley, as she is the primary exam marker for Neu Pilates. She always gives insightful feedback that will help on your way to becoming the best pilates instructor you can be!
Hayley has been on the Pilates journey with us since close to the very beginning, She worked with us @ the first Pilates studio Lara started, called Shuswap Core Pilates, in the very same building that her studio is now located! Hayley has been involved with us though the journey ever since in various ways including Pilates instructing, management, ownership, but most importantly, through it all Hayley has remained a very close and trusted friend! For that we are forever grateful!
We sat down and asked Hayley a few questions about her experiences since starting her pilates studio. We hope you can gain some helpful insights from the details and answers that apply to your own path!
Pilates Studio Name: Pilates with Hayley
Location: Salmon Arm, BC
City Population: 18,000
Group Class Price: $27
Private Pilates Price: $75
How did you first get introduced to Pilates?
I started doing Mat Pilates over 20 years ago and fell in love. I wasn’t comfortable in a gym setting, but was feeling the need to add some dynamic movement to my life. Lucky for me my dear friend Lara Yanik opened a studio in town and I was introduced to the Pilates world and all it had to offer. When she was looking for more instructors I jumped on board to do my training, and the journey has been an amazing ride ever since.
What motivated you to start your Pilates with Hayley studio?
I was a partner in NeuMovement and having this amazing ride as a business owner and what it all entailed. As much as I loved the business and working with my closest friends, I could feel that I needed to make a shift in how I was operating and expending my energy. NeuMovement was growing and expanding, and I was wanting to simplify and enter more into my purpose by teaching full time and nurturing my small community. I was also starting a family and having my own boutique studio was a match for the life I was entering into.
What is your pilates equipment set up and how much space (sq/ft) is your studio?
My studio is just under 700 sqft and fully equipped with reformer, chair, and tower for 5 people. I run mat classes for 8 people.
How many Pilates instructors work at your studio?
There are 3 instructors including myself that teach in the space.
What is your personal favorite Pilates move?
I’m in it 110% for the community I have developed with my clients. I have created an environment that gives back to me as much as I have given it. I get to enter into my space everyday and laugh, move, elevate others and be elevated by them.
What do you like most about owning a business in your community?
Salmon Arm has a high volume of retirees, but in the last few years a lot of new young families have moved in and it’s becoming more diverse. It still has a very small town vibe, but I find I’m teaching a very wide range of clientele base which is nice for me to have variety of classes in my day. There is a lot of support amongst body workers and practitioners in town and word of mouth and referrals between all of us is amazing. I have a great community around me!
Any personal tips for work / life balance?
Enjoy the ride and make it fun while you’re working so you don’t always feel like you’re waiting to take a break to have fun. Start-up requires a lot of time, and energy. As soon as you can, find a flow that works for you so you can stay consistent and not send yourself into burnout.
In all your previous pilates training experience, what is the biggest value Neu Pilates has added to your teaching?
Doing the training with Neu Pilates has brought all aspects of the method, body, mind, and spirit together for me. I always knew that Pilates changed people and clients left feeling better than when they came in, but I never really new why. The effect that Pilates has on the clients tissues, cells, nervous system, and soul has now all come together, and that knowledge and understanding has allowed me to tune into clients better and give them a better experience.
What are your plans for the future of Pilates with Hayley?
As my kiddo gets older I have been able to step into my business more and more. I’m starting to look at what I can add to the schedule as an offering outside of Pilates classes. I Love the NEU fascia work and will be setting up mini workshops with clients to show them how to apply this information. I’m also going to start hosting other pop up classes with some others in the community that focus on vagus nerve, calming the nervous system and tuning back in to ourselves.
You can find more information about Pilates with Hayley on the website: Pilateswithhayley.com
Or connect with the Pilates studio here on Instagram
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