Neu Pilates Feature Teacher - Heather Narraway, Kelowna, BC
Apr 08, 2024This months feature teacher is Heather Narraway! Heather is a registered massage therapist from Kelowna, BC. She works at Valley View Chiropractic and Wellness and can be found for booking on their website. Heather can also be found on her instagram channel here
We asked Heather a number of pilates focused questions and she had some great answers for any current or future Pilates instructors looking for helpful insights! Enjoy.
Why did you choose Neu Pilates?
My interest in Pilates first began with my own experiences with injuries and dysfunctional movement patterns after receiving a hip replacement 5 years ago. I knew shortly after that Pilates would be an incredible asset to my Massage Therapy practice. I wanted to get my instructor training so I would be able to correctly incorporate Pilates into my practice but was unsure of which course to take. Once I learned that Neu Pilates was created by both a Physiotherapist and Pilates instructor I knew that I had come to the right place. I believe the integration of the physiotherapy theory and Pilates movements plus the addition of Massage Therapy creates such a unique experience for my patients. Being able to give them space cues, breathing cues and basic foundational exercises is a game changer. When people injure themselves be it at the gym, everyday life or in an accident I now have the tools to not only treat their injury but also give the ability to achieve pain free movement by teaching the Pilates foundations.
What is your favourite pilates exercise?
My favourite exercise is upside down bug. This exercises can be progressed and regressed if needs be to suit everyones ability
What is the hardest Pilates exercise for you?
A lot of piltates exercises are hard for me at my current stage of rehab. However, I would have to say that the hardest thing for me to do during my pilates training is to shut down my fight or flight repsonse. To remind my body and musculoskeletal system that it is ok to enter into rest and digest. I find my body goes through several mintues of the cog wheel- turning off and on my sympathetic nervous system until I reach a point where I can conciously tap into my rest and digest system and begin to move and heal in that state.
How has the Neu Pilates training changed your treatment approach?
I have been incorporating Neu Pilates into my massage therapy practice using the space cues as well as creating pilates home care programs for my patients. I always incorporated the intention of creating space within the body however before Neu Pilates it was only me trying to do that. With incorporating the space cues I am able to get my patients more engaged with their treatment, connecting more with their body which has helped tremendously with the effects of my treatments. When it comes to home care my patients are just relearning the basics, the foundational movements. Instead of trying to correct the global mobilizers we are focusing first on turning on the Local stabilizers. Which is harder than one would think when you have spent years moving and living a certain way.
What are your pilates goals in the next 3-5 years?
I would love to be offering pilates alongside my massage therapy practice. To help provide evidence based rehab while teaching my patients how to move and do the activities they love without fear of injury or pain.
What positive impact has pilates had on your personal exercise routine?
Pilates has helped me with my own rehab from hip replacement surgery as well as my up coming abdominal surgery. Through pilates I am able to connect with my body in a way I never have before. I am having to relearn how to turn off and on certain muscles while remaining relaxed. My one on one instructor put it as though my body has been through so much trauma that I am having to learn how to shut down my fight or flight repsonse. I am loving this new way of thinking about the body, movement patterns and exercise in general.
Start your journey to becoming a Pilates teacher today.
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