Course Outline
Sep 17, 2021
NEU Pilates Online - Outline
- Functional Stability - Passive Control, Active control, and Neuromuscular control
- Emotion/Parasympathetic/Sympathetic
- Terminology/Neutral Spine
- Thoracic spine
- Pelvis/Lumbar spine
- Hip
- Neck
- Postural Analysis
- Shoulder
- Knee
NEU Pilates Principles
- Breathing - The Power of the Breath
- Central Universe Alignment and Control
- Creating Space - Introducing and teaching all of the space cues
- Muscle Recruitment and Timing - What is true core?
- Mindful Movement/NEU spirit
NEU Pilates - Integrative Movements
Base Exercises
- Supine
- Prone
- Kneeling
- Side-lying
- Standing
Intermediate Exercises
- Supine
- Prone
- Kneeling
- Plank
- Seated
Strength Exercises
- Supine
- Prone
- Kneeling
- Plank
Wrapping Up
- NEU Pilates Teaching Code
- Guidelines
- How to Teach Group vs Private clients
- Stages of Learning
- Marketing and what to expect after you are certified
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